Igor (Chakal) @chakal_igor - One of the highlights of my career was getting followed and having my art liked by the great 
. He was a staple in the horror genre and his voice marked my life in many ways, but specially by playing a part in Dota 2, both game and anime. He will be forever missed.

J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling - I wrote the words below in April, about the UK left, and I'm retweeting them today for the benefit of some of the numbskulls in my mentions.
Women like me, and there are a lot of us, aren't and never have been far-right. We simply want the left to wake the hell up, because we're watching it do its utmost to alienate people it used to represent.
I'm not saying Trump's win was down to the gender stuff - I'm not an American voter, so can't judge. In any case, the Labour Party won the last UK election and they've embraced gender identity ideology whole-heartedly  (although they won against a Tory government so enfeebled and unpopular it would have been miraculous if they hadn't, and their popularity since gaining office has plummeted.)
What I do know is that millions of women in the UK and across the developed world are extremely angry about men in women's sport, men in women's jails and the erosion of single-sex spaces. Parents are angry at being  demonised because they don't want their troubled kids to undergo irreversible medical treatments of extremely questionable benefit. People are sick to the back teeth of being bullied and threatened for refusing to embrace an elitist, academia-generated ideology that's having severe real world consequences.
Large swathes of the left continue to be threatening and abusive to anybody who resists their attempts to impose ideological language or bully them out of wrongthink. Leftist activists jeer and sneer at erstwhile female allies for the crime of believing biological sex is real and matters. And leftist leaders still appear more interested in sucking up to gender activists than - to take a topical example in the UK - female nurses whose crime is not wanting to undress in front of a fully intact male. 
So to those screaming 'bigot' and 'fascist' at me, you should know two things. Firstly, I'm completely indifferent to your disapproval, as I'd have thought you'd have realised by now. Secondly, and far more importantly, the only thing more harmful to your cause than your pseudo-religious belief in gender identities is your astounding, self-righteous arrogance.

JULIE DONUTS @Juliesnark1731 - Trump deleted this after 17 mins.
JuliansRum @ItsJuliansRum - # = checkmate

Justine Bateman @JustineBateman - Decompressing from walking on eggshells for the past four years.

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