Illustrating Women's Work: Early Maps of the Women's Bureau

Fragments of a Life: Diego Rivera through the Lens of the FBI

November 30, 2024 - December 6, 2024
Cyber Coalition: Cyber Coalition Is NATO’s Flagship Annual Collective Cyber Defence Exercise and One of the Largest in the World. Exercise the Existing Mechanisms for Interaction Between NATO, Allies and Partners to Improve Collaboration Within the Cyberspace Domain With an Emphasis on the Decision-Making Processes as Well as Technical and Operational Procedures. 
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

NOVEMBER 30, 2010
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Greg Andres and international criminal law attorneys testified on the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt … 

November 30, 2011
Q&A: Michelle Fields
Video Journalist Michelle Fields talked about her reporting on various issues for the Daily Caller 24-hour news site. She discussed an early interview with actor Matt Damon and his mother, her unanticipated involvement while covering the New York City Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, her experiences covering Congress, and attending a book signing party for talk show host Chris Matthews in which she interviewed Washington Post veterans Ben Bradlee and Bob Woodward, and the rise in citizen journalism. She spoke of her childhood and her political views.
Michelle Fields was born in Los Angeles and received her degree in Political Science from Pepperdine University in 2011. She contributed video work for Reason TV and joined The Daily Caller in mid-2011. The Daily Caller, a 24-hour news and commentary website was founded by journalist Tucker Carlson, and Neil Patel, former chief policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. close 

NOVEMBER 30, 2015
Landmark Cases: Supreme Court Landmark Case Mapp v. Ohio
Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talked about the 1961 U.S. Supreme Court case Mapp v. Ohio, in which the court applied, via a 5-4 decision, Fourth Amendment protection against “unreasonable searches and seizures” to state criminal cases. The decision also prohibited the introduction of unlawfully obtained material as evidence. The guests also responded to viewer questions and comments. Video clips were shown of the March 29, 1961, oral arguments in the case; scenes of the Shaker Heights home of Dollree Mapp; Robert Cermak giving a tour of the Cleveland Police Museum; Dollree Mapp in a documentary from the Annenberg Public Policy Center; Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) interviewed on September 22, 2015; Justices David Souter and Sonia Sotomayor at their Supreme Court confirmation hearings; Chief Justice Roberts in the opinion on Herring v. U.S.; and Chief Justice Earl Warren being interviewed in 1969. 

November 30, 2024
2024 New Bern Titan Airshow
New Bern, North Carolina

November 30, 2024
7:00 AM EST
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.