Bishop J. Strickland @BishStrickland - Please read this brief paragraph and acknowledge the tragic message it delivers. To use the word purchase in connection with children created by God is a devastating comment on the brokenness of our society. 
These children are God’s, not a project, they are not a commodity to be acquired. Adoption is a beautiful thing and should be encouraged but having children adopted into a house where those leading it are living a sinful lifestyle is devastating. 
This sadly illustrates how far we have drifted from family and God’s plan for children.
Keith Woods @KeithWoodsYT
Dave Rubin recounts his decision to purchase two children with his "husband" and name one after Jordan Peterson, which he says made Peterson cry
"Conservatism" in 2024

Corey A. DeAngelis - Chicago Teachers Union doesn't know the difference between "drivel" and "dribble."

DC_Draino@DC_Draino - Joe Biden has pardoned his son Hunter Biden after he was convicted in a court of law
What a perfectly corrupt ending to a disgraced family legacy
The rules never applied to the Biden crime family and they all got rich off it
Remember 10% for the big guy?
Well unfortunately for the Bidens, Kash is soon to be king and we’ll be taking 100% back from the Big Guy and putting it where it belongs
With We the People

DogeDesigner @cb_doge - Would you tip creators on 𝕏 if tipping on posts becomes a thing?

Doug TenNapel (blue check implied) @DougTenNapel - Many of my Earthworm Jim fans asked about the sold out items in my store. We just restocked inventory and I highly recommend The Making Of Earthworm Jim with interviews of every teammate that worked on the original game! 
For art with story pick up Launch the Cow and Fight the Fish that feature a long form epic that uses the game levels to tell an actual story!
Get my books here (great Christmas gift for any Earthworm Jim fan!): https://doug-tennapel-comic-library.myshopify.com

Elon Musk @elonmusk - People in Germany really need to use 𝕏 to know what’s really happening. 
The legacy media is pure propaganda. 
Send http://X.com links to friends in Europe!

End Wokeness @EndWokeness - Imperial County, CA:
2008: Obama +26% 
2012: Obama +32% 
2016: Clinton +42% 
2020: Biden +24% 
2024: Trump +1%
The county is 86% Latino


Eric Daugherty @EricLDaugh -  BREAKING: With essentially all votes counted, Trump has flipped an 85% Hispanic county in California.
Imperial County:
2020: Biden +24 
2024: Trump +0.5

FreedomToons - Thanksgiving at Kamala's

Fr. Joseph Krupp @Joeinblack - A few years ago, a group of seminarians were on retreat at a center run by a religious order.
. . . 
It’s not like we have any reputation left. 
What we have and what we need is the truth.

Gary Varvel - Ending the lawfare witch hunt

George Alexopoulos @GPrime85 - Giving thanks today that we can eat with as many family members as we like, and never once had to ask permission