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>>/147932/, >>/147933/ Government of Canada extends list of prohibited assault-style firearms and moves forward on regulatory changes to strengthen gun control From: Public Safety Canada Backgrounder The Government of Canada has taken further strong steps to tackle gun crime and to uphold its commitment to keep cities and communities safe. Extended prohibition of assault-style firearms As part of its comprehensive approach, on December 5, 2024, the Government announced the prohibition of more military style assault-style firearms. Accompanying the prohibition is an amnesty order, which expires on October 30, 2025, that protects businesses and owners while they come into compliance with the law. The amnesty also provides a temporary exception for Indigenous peoples’ exercising a right under section 35 of the Constitution Act, as well as those who use firearms for sustenance hunting, which enables them to continue to use their newly prohibited firearms to hunt (if previously non-restricted) until a suitable replacement can be found. Amendments to the Classification Regulations have resulted in the prohibition of 104 families of firearms, encompassing 324 unique makes and models. The full list appears below. Over 19,000 non-restricted makes and models, equating to over 127,000 variations of firearms, remain available for hunting and sport shooting in Canada. New regulations The Government intends to table regulatory amendments in Parliament on December 13, following through on commitments to make sure that all makes and models of firearms are accounted for prior to entering the Canadian market The Government also continues to act to fully implement former Bill C-21, with remaining provisions to come into force early in the new year. In particular, no later than January 2025, the Government intends to table measures in Parliament to address the rates of gun violence in situations of gender-based and intimate partner violence. Regulations to implement the new yellow flag laws will also be introduced this Spring. In addition, the Government will also introduce regulations concerning large-capacity magazines in March 2025. New Red Flag laws – already in force – allow anyone to apply to the court to temporarily remove a firearm from an individual who may pose risks to themselves or others. An awareness campaign will be launched this Spring. Assault-Style Firearms Compensation Program The Government will provide fair compensation for businesses and owners affected by this prohibition, as well as the prohibition announced in May 2020. All firearms will be included in the Assault Style Firearms Compensation Program (ASFCP). The first phase of the ASFCP process has already begun with a few businesses for testing and will be open to all firearms businesses across the country in the next few days. Firearms businesses will be notified on how and when to participate in the program.