A few things brought over from QRUK #48
Corinthia Hotel
Video: THE CH, AUTUMN 2012
https://www.bitchute.com/video/bylKJq7q6Kaf/ [Embed]
Video: CH AT NIGHT, CA 2013
https://www.bitchute.com/video/X2K4RvjMCMRL/ [Embed]
Video: Reference for the dig on the 1st Aid signs
https://www.bitchute.com/video/9OxEvHqsKc9R/ [Embed]
Video: CH2 COMPARISON with a vidcap part way down the footbridge stairs
Video: A May 2014 drive through the CH scene with views of the stairs to footbridge, 1st Aid side was not recorded on its post by Cabman's shelter
Video: NYE vid which imo shows the banner attached to at least one TREE
Video: 31-DEC-2012 vid for reference, banner visible
Flickr series taken from aboard TATTERSHALL CASTLE NYE, Third NYE 2014 banner on Jubilee Bridge; is that the Sidewalk Sign for HISPANIOLA?
Video: 14-JAN-2013-P Banners present, but not printed on both sides