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> One thing I'm most excited about with these are the HH:MM lining up with the clock hands.
yep. we had moar than we knew.
methinks having the Calm Before per your clock the Storm hit on :25/:55 MIRROR is significant, as this is understood to be the STORM AXIS.
have a weird one for you. brings to mind that DJT is 1st arrest speculative clock >>/60677/, >>/61772/. tried to clock Chuck G's tweet @ Min: 45 and found that the 09:15 timestamp was both a hit on the Min: 45 (i.e., H: 9)/ Min: 15 axis (DJT/JUSTICE). this also seemed to hit 2x Kash TRUTHs re: Ace and Trump Card. Also found what appeared to be a relevant Kash TRUTH that pointed to Min: 05 and Min: 25 MIRRORs.
IDK if this buttresses DJT = 1st arrest hypothesis or not. but the connection of Ace, Trump Card, Grassley, Kash, 09:25 --> :45/:15 axis, Kash TRUTH re: Trump card also hitting :05 and :25 mirrors seemed too much to be coincidence.
Didn't think Grassley's tweet was Q222 related. open to ideas, criticisms, etc.
afraid I'm time-expired and outta here. peace to all clockbros