On the 7DEC food article there are 3 different angles showing only ONE crane. The logic being that there was a progression from NO cranes in September, ONE crane appearing by 23NOV, still ONE crane by 6DEC, til by 14DEC we had TWO cranes all the way thru 30DEC.
We know ROT1 has TWO cranes, and we know the EMB was changed by the banners and signd being hung probly on 30DEC.
Our logic tells us that by reason of LISAMI6 having a Christmas match via the MILLBANK building lights. So intuitively, we are thinking 25DEC +/- one day for the EMB series. But we must remember that LISA is an outlier pic at the EMB by reason it lacks the wheelie bins that are seen in the other EMB pics.
So, treating the EMB pics like they could have been on another evening than LISA.
There is a similar problem with the CORINTHIA series of pics. Not all show trash bins out. Could be they were put out later but we just don’t know.
So for the EMB pics we can only go by the sauces we see for the cranes. Yes, there is the Westminster construction shrouding market but it is much more long-lasting than the time period for the two cranes marker. So, just by the cranes marker sauces we have so far, we can only narrow the EMB pics to between 6DEC and 30DEC. I still think the utter lack of PUBLIC buses points to Christmas Day in all the London pics.
Btw, do you have dates on those pics you dropped? Some are intriguing but can’t be discussed without dates.