“FULL SPEECH: Former president Jacob Zuma's address” – “Gloves are off” [Worth Watching] – Part 2
Below are excerpts
23:27 – “--I indicated to Chief Justice Zondo that the Commission which had been unlawfully established, was itself being used by unelected leadership of the country to remove the true leaders of the liberation and entrench a new political elite that would conform and be controlled by colonial economic interests.-- I told Chief Justice Zondo that those who supported the Zondo Commission, irrespective of its unlawful establishment, did not care about the Constitution and would use an unlawful device as the Zondo Commission to advance their interests in hijacking our Constitution to represent their greedy interest. I chased for Justice Zondo where the plan to replace the progressive group of the liberation movement with a new political elite that would --maintain the colonial and Apartheid infrastructure of economic control as to where the ownership was coming from. I referred to 2 intelligence reports that made it clear that there is a carefully chosen special layer of South African leaders whose role is to ensure that the resources of our country and its global influence on the continent is reorganized to serve this global agenda in which the interest of our people do not matter.--”
29:37 – “The fact is that the highest court in the land violated the law. What is the remedy to this? This is a serious matter that must not be left unattended to. We need to ensure that judges are not reduced to politicians… --Our key institutions are now intended to serve this global agenda. As we speak, there are moves to privatize strategic State assets and surrender key functions of the State to international global interests.” [Discusses Eskom, etc.]--
46:52 – --“Given that I had disclosed to him [Zondo] my knowledge and access to the reports of foreign intelligence agencies on how a new political allied would control the future of South Africa and the direction of our Constitutional development.”--
57:47 - --“We have seen the 30 pieces of silver with our own eyes. [Looking at someone with a smile and a chuckle. (Referring to the Jews in biblical terms?)]--”
1:15:52 – “It is clear that Justice Zondo completely misunderstood the constitutional role of this Commission of inquiry which he transformed into an agency of dictatorship… Our country cannot stand with dictatorship endorsed by the judicial system.”
1:27:27 – “The choices we as citizens make in the next 2 years will determine our destiny… We have a responsibility to unite all our people, both black and white South Africans. This responsibility is ultimately our final goal to make South Africa a real united rainbow nation.”
--“Zondo being chief justice ‘a matter of great concern’ – Zuma”--; https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/breaking-jacob-zuma-raymond-zondo-chief-justice-23-october/
--“Gloves are off: Zuma accuses Ramaphosa of treason, corruption”--; https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/breaking-jacob-zuma-cyril-ramaphosa-corruption-22-october/