> It is interesting that the Daily Maverick made the following statement in their article;
> “Deny, evade, lie – Zuma, Mkhwebane fixers imitate Trump’s original hatchetman, Roy Cohn”

 >>/16769666/,  >>/16769680/,  >>/16769696/,  >>/16769705/,  >>/16769724/
> “Serbian Gangsters’ Deadly South African Connection” - https://balkaninsight.com/2018/11/12/serbian-gangsters-deadly-south-african-connection-11-08-2018/


“The Daily Maverick: Why it matters that they are funded with blood money” - Serbian owner and editor-in-chief, Branko Brkic, Oppenheimers, Naspers

Published Mar 14, 2020

Over the past few weeks, it was revealed that online news portal, the Daily Maverick, has allegedly been paying students to purposefully write negative articles about a number of black South African businessmen, Dr Daniel Matjila and Dr Iqbal Survé among them.

The allegations were made by former contributor and student Modibe Modiba who, to absolve his conscience, took to Twitter last week to answer his followers as to why it was he no longer contributed to the news platform.

Over the past few months, Independent Media has sent questions to the Serbian owner and editor-in-chief of the Daily Maverick, Branko Brkic, requesting to know who was funding them, apart from the members of the public who "subscribe" to the portal. Independent Media considers it in the public’s interest to know just who funds media in South Africa.

We have previously confronted Brkic with the information at our disposal, that the Oppenheimer family, which amassed obscene amounts of wealth as a result of colonisation and apartheid, have funded the Daily Maverick with tens of millions of rands and continues to do so.

We should, therefore, not be surprised that we are seeing a coalition of apartheid-era Naspers, the Oppenheimer family and the Daily Maverick.

We should not be surprised when the very Oppenheimer family that benefited directly from apartheid, exploited black people, destroyed their lives and who also owned the media, are now funding the Daily Maverick.

To put it bluntly, the Daily Maverick is receiving blood money as a result of the millions of workers that were exploited by the Oppenheimers through Anglo-American and De Beers. Many of these workers were forced to work on the mines by the 1913 Land Act, they died of silicosis and other diseases deep and lived in inhumane conditions in the hostels.

On the face of it, it appears as though the publication is trying to propagate the myth of membership revenue to hide the fact that their funders are in fact the Oppenheimers, Afrikaner businessmen and other global funders.