> Gerhard de Kock (sixth Governor of the South African Reserve Bank); 1981-1989 during Apartheid
> he [Gerard De Kock] undertook a ‘goodbye’ trip to say goodbye to his fellow workers at the World Bank
The World Bank was proactive during Apartheid to start the Lesotho Highland Water Project
The Bank supported Lesotho's efforts to develop, its water resources into export revenue by: (i) acting as executing agency for the UNDP-financed consultants who supervised the LHWP feasibility studies (1983); (ii) providing an IDA Credit of SDR 8 million (Credit 1747-LSO; 1986) for a Lesotho Highlands Water Engineering Project to assist in preparatory phase of LHWP; (iii) making an advance of US$750,000 under the Bank's Project Preparation Facility (PPF P356-LSO; 1988); (iv) and providing substantial supervision and technical expertise during the projecl's preparatory stage. In other parts of the water sector, an IDA Credit of US$6 million (Credit 887-LSO; 1979) supported a water supply project that involved seven srnall towns, and which was successfully completed in 1985.
World Bank and Other Financing for Lesotho Highland Water Project (Phase 1A) – 1991
WORLD BANK GROUP SUPPORT: World Bank loan: $110 million. The loan is for 18 years, including five years of grace, with a variable interest rate, currently 7.73 percent, linked to the cost of the Bank's borrowings. It also carries an annual commitment charge of 0.25 percent on the undisbursed balance.
TOTAL COST: $2.4 billion
OTHER FINANCING: African Development Bank (proposed), $50 million; European Development Fund (proposed), $57 million; European Investment Bank (proposed), $20 million; Commonwealth Development Corporation, $36.1 million; United Nations Development Programme, $300,000; Overseas Development Administration, $1.3 million; France, $8.7 million; Germany, $800,000; Ireland, $400,000; Other bilateral aid under discussion, $106.7 million; European export credit agencies, $411.0 million; European commercial banks, $67 million; Common Monetary Area (CMA), including Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, and South Africa, $1.5 billion