The Vote Remote software and the absentee ballot processing software developed by Jeffrey Dean was never submitted for certification, has not been examined by anyone, and due to technicalities i n the certification regulations, is not subject to certification. Several counties have recently announced plans to force voters into all mail-in voting, including King County, Jeffrey Dean's first elections client.
Exactly what Jeffrey Dean was doing to the GEMS database program, what "oversight" he was providing to the touch-screen technology purchased by Diebold, and what expertise he provided for the votercard encoder, the optical scan 1.96 series, and the upcoming High Speed Central Count are not publicly known at this time.
Diebold claims that it did not work with Jeffrey Dean after acquiring Global Election Systems in 2002. However, the Dean depositions reveal that in May and June 2002, during the time the "rob-georgia" patch was created, Jeffrey Dean was called back to do consulting for Diebold. The Deans have been accused of obstructiveness and evasion by attorneys seeking to recover funds in a pending bankruptcy case. Specifically, when asked to identify monies paid by or due from Diebold Election Systems, they omitted answers.
[ALSO: Remember that someone named SEAN DEAN is mentioned on the patents and elsewhere - search on other posts with that name]
Depositions, documents, and supporting documentation will be posted on the Black Box Voting Web site this week. These documents include depositions, bankruptcy papers, criminal court records, SEC documents and civil litigation records.
Jeffrey Dean prison records:
by Black Box Voting investigators Bev Harris, Kathleen Wynne, and Jim March, with assistance from Black Box Voting members Pat Vesely and John Howard.
NEW Citizen research & investigations section now available: http://www.bbvforums.org/cgi-bin/forums/board-auth.cgi?file=/17141/17141... (you must register and log in to use this)
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