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thumbnail of tire bead seating.mp4
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Interesting thought. Trolling autists about how they make up 100% of school shooters may be fun.

She has a spacehey and goofy youtube videos and drinks monster and dresses like a scene kid, she's perfect. Nice find. 

She's a random slavoid named Anna Grudina. She has some good pics I think, and she looks nice. 
The Dem leadership is talking about retiring Biden after he "wins" and leting Camala fill the role. Surely it doesn't have anything to do with Biden being tentatave about helping Israel take over the world. Can't lie, if I was a retard nigger woman in the US I would be loving life. 

Whoa, thank you for your persistence.

Outside of getting the gibes money I really don't understand the significance of getting diagnosed. Especially in the current year, the autism spectrum has grown so much that everyone is on it. imo autism has really become a girl's disease with how much autists complain about their feelings. Like boo hoo I have to find a parking spot and I'm expected to shake a person's hand sometimes and if I act like a retard like I want to people will judge me. Though I agree with him about society being alienating, and how nobody wants to hear anything negative. The normies are content and they don't want anything to change. Also he had a gf? Ok normie. 

What did you do with your LEGO as a kid? I almost never read the directions and just built whatever I felt like; usually retarded looking cars.