thumbnail of soffiasolaa 2022-10-17 17.11 Cj0-kgsJ92q_5_5 312011100_662416281968442_8689739411495766753_n.jpg
thumbnail of soffiasolaa 2022-10-17 17.11 Cj0-kgsJ92q_5_5 312011100_662416281968442_8689739411495766753_n.jpg
soffiasolaa... jpg
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Sorry, I keep being too vague. I'm not talking about only the effort they put into their jobs (though that's probably the main aspect of it) but more into life in general. What you said is very true though. I remember slava talking about how he gambled his neetbux and made bank more than once. Meanwhile you have these good goys getting up at 3 AM for a 5 hour commute and then 8-10 hour shifts monday to saturday, all for $200 or $300 a month