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She looks good with the glasses and her laugh is cute

> She's natural blonde as far as I know. Not one pic of her shows even dark roots. Perfect female Nord build. 

> Yeah I figured as much. I'll get to that tonight or tomorrow. My mom is in the hospital for the umpteenth time so I won't have as much free time at the puter anymore. It depends on how she's doing. She was really psychotic last night, and I have little hope that tonight will be better 
The way it went with my mom was almost always that she got worse and worse until we had to put her in a mental asylum where they gave her tons of meds which sedated her and made her less psychotic. Then she stayed there for some weeks or months until she got more stable

> Only during the night, though.
That was the same for my mom too, she always had the worst psychotic episodes during the night

I hope you can get it to work. Did it have all your crypto on it?