thumbnail of ssstik.io_1718018595969.mp4
thumbnail of ssstik.io_1718018595969.mp4
ssstik.io_... mp4
(4.27 MB, 576x1024 h264)
there's like half a dozen names for what's more or less the same thing but names don't matter much do they. it'd be cool if the DSM could actually cure anything on it but it's merely descriptive 

> I wish someone told her she's not supposed to wear underwear with a dress like that.
seriously. that's like 2010s levels of prudishness 

lol that LED headlights one. not sure about the MGS comparison, is the woman on the left supposed to look attractive? the new one definitely looks a little manlier but I want to see her in movement before I form an opinion. not that I particularly care about MGS