thumbnail of An-OSwO7dZp7ZvnlnJtkdzfp5Vs-mTmeEJynFGrCAMozj9HQ7P5md5BYcQWB1OWgXc92I0vFbr-pZOYylTg4EiAl.mp4
thumbnail of An-OSwO7dZp7ZvnlnJtkdzfp5Vs-mTmeEJynFGrCAMozj9HQ7P5md5BYcQWB1OWgXc92I0vFbr-pZOYylTg4EiAl.mp4
An-OSwO7dZ... mp4
(606.84 KB, 1080x1920 h264)
review 2/???. The Stygian Rose by Crypt Sermon. Boomer metal with some doom thrown in. A lot more boomerific than I expected honestly; it's just not for me. Down in the Hollow contains a nice little guitar run that I enjoyed. Heavy is the Crown of Bone also contains an instrumental highlight about a minute into the song. When the music isn't droning and repetitive, it's chaotic and dissonant but not in a way I like. There's not enough silence, not enough tempo changes, production felt kinda muddy at least with my headphones, as a result of these choices the whole thing is weirdly noisy for its genre. The George Michael ass singing at the start of Scrying Orb made me cringe. In fact that whole song is pretty cringe. I skipped the end of it and the very last long (which is 11 minutes long, miss me with that shit) because this one just wasn't for me. 3/10 your mileage may vary

tiktok autists on suicide watch (except they were already on it because they were hoping they'd get more attention if they threatened suicide)