thumbnail of aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3QzOS4zMDgwOC02LzQ0ODg2MjAzOF8xODAxMzQ3Njc2NzM4NTIxMV8xNTc2NTEwNTg2MzIxMTQ4OTAwX24uanBnP3NlPTcmc3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTM1JmVmZz1leUoyWlc1am.jpg
thumbnail of aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1sZ2EzLTIuY2RuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS92L3QzOS4zMDgwOC02LzQ0ODg2MjAzOF8xODAxMzQ3Njc2NzM4NTIxMV8xNTc2NTEwNTg2MzIxMTQ4OTAwX24uanBnP3NlPTcmc3RwPWRzdC1qcGdfZTM1JmVmZz1leUoyWlc1am.jpg
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> file has long ass name because of all the ghetto sites I have to use to save stories
> long filename makes the quick reply box on endchan as wide as my entire screen
> annoying on desktop, 100% unmanageable on mobile 
But Dana looks cute so it's worth the work

I'll listen later. A while ago I was recommended and liked it so I'll probably like yours.