thumbnail of AC4DE73CAD8F3B73101BCBE1EC56E5A6_video_dashinit.mp4
thumbnail of AC4DE73CAD8F3B73101BCBE1EC56E5A6_video_dashinit.mp4
AC4DE73CAD... mp4
(968.89 KB, 720x1280 h264)
I don't think I read a lot of books or distro hopped on my computer as a kid because I was smart (which I was compared to my peers), I think I did it for the same reason I do it now. Well other than the books which I rarely read anymore. I think it's because autistic people need escapism the most, because there's no connecting with "allistics" no matter how hard you try, it's the definition of a sisyphean effort. you can't get any coomies from any brand of socialization, romantic or platonic, so you turn to whatever alternatives you can find, and stories and simulation and other stimuli that books and computers could provide can fill that void. I hope the autism talk doesn't make me sound overly concerned with identity, I just feel the need to figure things out and that's the best I can do. I probably shouldn't be thinking about it at all but Suzanne said to accept things as they are so it'd be okay even if I did in fact think about it too much. I trust her judgment even though she's a piece of shit gook insect