thumbnail of Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 023955.png
thumbnail of Captura de pantalla 2024-06-30 023955.png
Captura de pantalla... png
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thumbnail of violeasensio stories 2023-02-02 22.52 {$POSTID}_1_1 328058419_690019382853397_7002574521421265557_n.jpg
thumbnail of violeasensio stories 2023-02-02 22.52 {$POSTID}_1_1 328058419_690019382853397_7002574521421265557_n.jpg
violeasens... jpg
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I have this sudden urge to pillage English towns

I'm afraid it's quite simply broken and not latching on properly. It's the stock cooler which I had to take off and put back in multiple times to clean it, replace paste, etc. 3 out of the 4 pins/legs that go into the motherboard are some degree of broken