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Society has not altered sexual selection as much or as little as people would like.
Being strong is not the same as having big muscles, strength is perceived more by the subjugation of prey, hence why criminals and serial killers are attractive. 
And even then there are many caveats, like women are programmed to have different patterns of attraction depending on the menstrual cycle. 

So there is a lot of legacy behavior and some modern implications, but its mostly legacy.
Even "traditional society" was not aligned with our sexual nature, nor it had changed it.

If you consider the thousands of years of our species, who would you bet your genes on to get the best odds of them making it to the end?
A smart person who raises a few but well educated individuals and plans to live 70+ years... or a retard who will get himself killed before he is 40 but will have 25 children with all kinds of people before that?
Civilization still needs at least a few thousand years of persistence to prove we need to shape ourselves to rely on it and it won't just collapse again and again.