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that's true in theory. In reality anyone who genuinely identifies as a morally righteous person will crumble down to pieces as soon as there's even the tiniest stain on their record. 

you're right about that. That was a good diagnosis. Especially because you were able to tell that I mixed up aspirations and identity in that post

there is a quote in Space Alpha, same game where I got those Thomas Huxley ones, that states basically the same idea, although it's phrased more like a facebook platitude and not as elaborately as you put it. I appreciate the effort because it makes the concept much more palatable than going "YoU mAkE yOuR oWn ReAlItY lIkE jUsT bE hApPy BrO". I don't really disagree with this view btw, it makes perfect sense to me, it's just that I can't let go of my "good person" identity, and it feels like the only possible alternative is to be "nothing", as you put it, a despicable worthless blob. It's confusing and overwhelming to think about

> You should only care about what is your phenomological truth.
this OTOH is a very helpful and reassuring idea but it's really hard not to doubt yourself constantly especially when we're taught that that's a wise thing to do