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The Philosopher Stone is said to be the goal, which is an understanding/technology capable of both giving you power to manipulate yourself(mind)/others into any form you desire, as well as matter itself: 

> In alchemy we essentially see an amalgamation of ancient Greek science and chemistry (using the primitive periodic table of Fire-Air-Earth-Water) and the attempt to transform the individual human being using esoteric techniques. If physical objects could be transmuted from one substance to another—if lead could be turned to gold—then the human soul could likewise be transformed from a base state into a noble, godlike state using analogous formulas.

> In fact it is far more accurate to see no distinction between the so-called physical and spiritual transmutations because both of these apparent categories of being belong to the same unity. Physical gold and perfection of the spiritual being are both reflections of a single higher symbol—the light. This idea, quite esoteric in the West, was well prepared for in the Islamic world with its essential doctrine of the oneness of being (Arabic wahdat-al-wujtid).

But I postulate that it is more than that, power in itself has no meaning, but what is to be gained is meaning itself.