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emma (10) webp
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After picking up more details, came to the conclusion its nothing unexpected really.
The oligarch families only really care about keeping their monopoly over Brazil's natural resources (and drug business), the last thing they want is any sort of foreign agent taking it from them, be it China or the US. Always been the case, they subscribe to the 2030 world gov thing, but they want to be the local enforcers of it, of course.
So, with Trump's victory, they moved the pieces to get Bolsonaro as a hostage to negotiate and protect their position. The facts that make this evident are:
> the trial is only going to happen in febuary, after trump is in the white house
> Lula refused to sign China's silk road deal, but simultaneously privatized a bunch of our state organs to chinese "private" entities
> michel temer (known oligarch representative) is mediating the lula-trump diplomacy and said some things to this end