I would maybe consider blandaupping with one of the higher IQ darkies just to be able to hurl racial slurs at my own children. Can't grow up thin skinned if daddy has been calling you a dirty little halfbreed since you were born. Don't worry baby I'll check the closet and under the bed for abstraction
I just don't see how it's supposed to be cuhrazy. The more expensive trims of the argie made Peugeot 208 have more exotic rims than that, and that car is like $20k. You'd think they'd come up with something actually original since that's their shtick now, but clearly they can't.
> It's something you can do with the older more primitive automatic. Start in neutral, rev the engine to redline, then shift to drive.
Oh, I'm not effeminate enough to drive automatics. The old van with the stick and the metal music have helped me pass as a human male. The illusion doesn't last long though. First they figure out I'm not actually manly at all and then they start doubting I'm even human