World Of Warcraft... mp4
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> but I am not sure it is entirely my type of game
yeah that's exactly how I feel about ARPGs. I loved Diablo and Diablo II when I was a kid but I feel like ever since then my taste settled in other genres (mainly shooters and MMORPGs with the occasional card/board game)
> been trying to prevent myself from playing again.
yeah, probably not the best idea if you're trying to be productive. Tbf, idk how it is for you but I usually only play it 2-3 months at a time and then get bored and quit again. I had some longer streaks of course but the last time I played through a whole xpac or most of it was during Legion, which was ages ago (god tier xpac btw)
> Where are you playing and what char?
I'm on Hellscream US because the latin american realms are full of latin americans. Alts are really easy to level in TWW so I have several but mostly I've been playing MM hunter, destro lock and unholy dk these last few days
god she's pretty