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> deal with people and their demands
Not to say I am bad at that, but I have been working on hardening myself against others and their demands. For whatever reason my mindset had been that I was the lowest ranked retard in the military, and if absolutely anyone else on earth asked me a question, or asked me to help them or whatever, I was obliged to answer or help. Through exposure, pondering on the subject, and general maturing, I am getting over it. People WILL use it against you too. Cops in the US for example, they are taught to bombard people with questions in order to confuse them. 
I hope you get better at dealing with people. Not that you should have to deal with people, but it's a good skill to have. 

> Have you wished your waifus a happy new year
I haven't. Liz's DMs are closed, and I think Phoebe's are as well. I suppose I could comment it on Phoebe's oldest post like a weird freak.