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Game Theory "reduced" Molochian schemes as a principle to apply to different problems, but the original problem was the religious tradition of sacrifice.

Sacrifice worked in 2 ways: Externally as a means to "align' people to the leader's/tribe's goal. (The sacrifices exploited people's sense of justice to work for a common goal to make the sacrifice be rewarded and thus justified), and internally as means to create trauma and modify yourself or another individual (as I talked about before). This creates a molochian game of who creates what is more sacred to be sacrificed and so on... All early civilizations operated this way.

Jews are religious midwits that believe in evil sacrificial Gods, but think they can trick them with abstractions, and worship this "cleverness" of tricking evil Gods. Trick God until you become God yourself is their "path". They are victims even of their own God. This is their supposed solution to the molochian problem.

Christians bypassed the whole concept of sacrifice by belief in Christ being able to protect them from the "alignment" of sacrifices (no sacrifice is greater than Christ's), and thus bypassing that whole molochian game and creating a new meta. Belief in after life and so on are all useful concepts, but not unique to Christianity and not the key to what changed in this event.

Of course, we are at the peak of the faith crisis right now and people are all vulnerable to psyops and molochian schemes once again.