> Its user interface is godawful
The Lynxchan frontend is apparently modular. I don't know exactly what options exist, but I would hope there are some that aren't disgusting.

> the advantage of a provider like 8chan or Endchan is that they don't care about our individual board at all and are unlikely to have a reason to interfere with it
Right, that's what I was getting at by describing you as having effective sovereignty. Although I guess I don't actually know what powers a board owner has on one of these sites. Is it limited in some way? As in, does a malicious host have better ways to wreak havoc than a malicious board owner?

> this could plausibly be an attempt at a power grab
I unironically enjoy /ratanon/ with its current norms and wouldn't want to change them to swing my dick around. To me, the personal appeal of hosting is the edgy cyberpunk street cred of running an imageboard in 2019.

For now it makes sense to wait a few days to see what happens to 8chan, especially since the other anon (i.e. 1/3 of our community) has expressed skepticism. I really do expect this to be a recurring problem though.