> Its user interface is godawful, but at least it's not PHP.
I think the first part is enough to disqualify it. It is not going to be an improvement for the users, and JavaScript is the next worst thing after PHP. Regardless of the programming language and the internal flaws, a Tinyboard or vichan fork will actually be somewhat nice to post on. If you insist on avoiding PHP (I can't blame you too much for it), there are other "modern" alternatives like https://github.com/bakape/meguca, which looks quite decent and is written in Go. The "live posting" feature would be awful for something like /ratanon/, but you can disable it.

> by grepping for places where it used weak equality I discovered that if you make a board /04/ you also have board owner access to /4/, /004/, etcetera.
> It's really surprising how dysfunctional everything is.
This would look good on a banner.