> But it's more about having to trust two people instead of one.

It's still just one person to trust, the host. A host that's involved with the board content, as would be the case, would have unilateral power to remove any other board owners whose actions they disagree with. A rogue owner under a benevolent host would be a temporary nuisance at worst.

> Please don't say this, because you wouldn't.

Relevance? The issue you're describing doesn't suddenly appear with self-hosting. By "sovereignty" I mean unchecked control over the specific content of the board, not immunity from deplatforming attempts, which hasn't existed in any case. And the benefit of having an independent homeland is precisely that we are unlikely to be caught up in such attempts.

I'm not attached to Lynxchan. My only reasoning was that the vichan repository has a disclaimer saying its developers recommend not using vichan any more, and they give Lynxchan as an alternative. Meguca looks nice.