Partly it's a kind of submissive thing - a waifu who can protect and provide for you is good but the normal case of that, like a powerful businesswoman, is emasculating and makes you a pussy. If the powerful waifu is also terrifying and dangerous, however, then you're kinda brave just willingly being around her, so it doesn't make you a pussy.

Also, separately from that, danger is itself really exciting and sexy, and I want to fuck a girl who scares the shit out of me.

Now, both of those also apply to most yanderes (who are also high-tier waifus) but what makes the eldritch abomination girls special is that they can act perfectly moe and adorable, not creepy at all, but still have the "is incredibly powerful and scares the shit out of me" thing going for them just because you know who/what is hiding behind that human mask.