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The different hemisphere theories is pseudoscience, don't worry about it.

> If I had a child, there is a 60% chance it would have a mental illness and/or learning disability
Do you think your own life was bad? Do you think your own life is not worth living? Then why worry about the small chance your child will end up with the same problems you had. The world needs more high IQ people breeding, not less.

And the chance is small. Where on Earth did you get that 60% figure? Most mental illnesses are nowhere near that heritable. The variation in human brains is governed by a lot of small genes rather than a few big ones. So after sexual reproduction the genes will be all mixed up and the chance of them having your exact problems is minimized.

Pic related. There are many different types of IQ/cognitive ability tests. While they do correlate well, it's far from 100%. Entirely possible someone could do well in some areas and not in others.

> I found out I'm part Japanese via DNA testing so fuck it
There is literally nothing wrong with Japanese genetics.

> They never tell you that the bipolar divorce rate is 90%
Yeah but consider that statistic for a moment before making serious life decisions based on it. The divorce rate of normies is already over 50% for starters. Then consider that statistics about divorce rates can vary a huge amount if you are talking about males or females. Etc.