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She also blatantly lied and claimed that nostalgebraist said she didn't exist and was invented by David Gerard.
> Congrats to @reddragdiva for apparently making me up to support his own hatred of LessWrongers! I want to congratulate him for putting seven or eight years of work into creating a credible female human who went from “sheltered Tea Party homeschooled straight” to “softhearted lefty bisexual artist with trauma”. I especially love the veracity he included with the moodboards, the stupid poetry, the hyperfocus special interests, and especially the faked selfies.

Reddit thread which she has since deleted:
> A LessWronger insists I don't exist. Arthur Chu thinks otherwise.
> I once ran a LARP for Arthur, we've kind of been buddies ever since.

If you actually read the nostalgebraist post she linked there's no such claim, there's not even anything that could be misinterpreted that way:

The most charitable interpretation I can think of is that this was a roundabout way to complain about him not mentioning her. But blatantly lying because the lie represents how she feels about something doesn't do wonders for her credibility. People are interested in if her accusations are true and undistorted, not in whether they feel metaphorically true from inside her head.