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"Rationalism" is a cult based around the writings of a charismatic self-identified genius, Eliezer Yudkowsky. Like all cults, it uses a range of obscure language to obscure its dark inner workings - cultists fear and worship 'egregores' (a kind of a mind-god), avoid 'mind-killing', and engage in behaviour such as 'circling' and 'steelmanning'. Suffice it to say that the cult typically preys on intelligent, educated individuals, particularly those with more mental health. On the surface, Rationalism seems to have more in common with a self-help doctrine than a religion, but careful study reveals that core members of the group (in particular the community centred on San Francisco) pray to evil gods birthed in the future in an attempt to avert eternal suffering. 

Members are encouraged to give generously to 'charities' run by high-ranking Rationalists, and especially to Yudkowsky's 'charity' - the innocuous-looking named 'Machine Intelligence Research Institute'. The fact that this 'research institute' has produced no fruit for all the money invested into it by devotees is telling.

A splinter group of especially rabid Rationalists, led by notorious antisemite Scott "Stonin' the Kohens" Alexander meshes the apocalyptic millenialism of mainstream Rationalism with the vicious rightwing orthodoxy of the alt-right. This sect refers to itself as 'The Grey Tribe". Alexander - referred to by his followers as 'The Rightful Caliph', has consistently denied that he uses the blood and organs of abandoned infants in rites intended to appease the ancient Carthaginian demon Moloch. A former member of the cult, who agreed to be interviewed on condition of anonymity, stated that:
> "Scott always said it was OK because the babies weren't really sentient. He said it was no worse than killing a nigg- an Easy African. Sorry. Old habits, you know?"

In recent times, a number of former cultists have come forward with stories about life under the Rationalists - including shocking tales of 'cuddle puddles' - actually drug-fueled BDSM orgies. Following the suicide of a prominent former cultist earlier this month, the Rationalists have closed ranks and refused to accept the blame for her death. But the cracks are showing, and those of the anti-cult advocacy group Sneer Club hope that this bizarre, brutal modern-day religion will soon collapse under the weight of its own evil.