To some degree, yes, but porn is an inferior substitute. More importantly, everyone knows porn is an inferior substitute, which adds other effects; even if "objectively" masturbation is as good as sex if you have good toys or technique, no-one will notice or believe it, and virgins will build it up into their holy grail.

A sexbot, at least notionally with regard to these future predictions, is as good as or better than the real thing for putting your dick in. And it evades the social consensus that masturbation is unsatisfying and "real sex" is satisfying.

This is why you don't let someone else spec your robot waifu, and you double-don't let the waifu spec herself. You get all the superstimulus your dick actually wants, and everything your heart actually needs, from asking for something dumb like "[anime_girl] but in love with me instead of [main_character]".