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No one knows because Land was out of his fucking mind on stims for most of the nineties and a good chunk of the 2000s. Analyzing his work from that period is so subjective that it's basically literary criticism, AKA a giant waste of time.

This is the the point. Traditional rigid analysis of his work is the antithesis of everything Land's work stands for. Schizoanalysis, right? Just read it, let it soak in. Feeding Land's work through your conscious mind is a waste of time - not enough bandwidth.  So just take it in, preferably high on something (but up, gotta be up). You can't draw conclusions, can't put a name to anything, but you begin to feel the structure, feel the blueprint coalesce in your hindbrain. 

Land is writing is code, always code, encrypted 100% all the time. Gotta sneak the real message past the homonculus, get a firm grip on your juicy ripe allocortex and really squeeze. You can't handle the truth, but your brain can. If it's not obfuscated, you'll miss the wood for the trees, tie everything up w/ neat pink bow, smile all the way to the slaughterhouse.