thumbnail of historical mortality graph.png
thumbnail of historical mortality graph.png
historical mortality... png
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point 1: uh, hello? communities are made of humans + some humans are fucked up = communities have some fucked up people in them

point 2: socon means (on demographic priors) "the mythological Way Of The Past" which is envisioned as a situation where 
* women were cattle and served as slave factories 
* the normal way of raising children was equal to abusing them into PTSD
* being anything but cis and het was a social death sentence because communities were small enough that such persons were rare enough that booting one out was a rare occurrence and could easily be forgotten before the next one happened and was identified and they could not Organize because there were not enough total people in anyone's reach for a group of <10% to form a tribe, let alone before modern comms including efficient transport
* modern drugs didn't exist but approximately everyone was alcoholic
* do i even need to mention the racism
* people died of now-easily-preventable causes so much that see pic related (uk 17th century, roman empire, modern finland)
* yeah what, girls wouldn't get abused by their boyfriends lying to them that it's just bdsm? right, they'd just get beaten by their stupid drunk fathers then their stupid drunk husbands instead. and it's not like sadists didn't exist back then either
* everyone of notably higher social status than someone else could abuse them at will no matter their gender (ok we haven't finished solving that but modern comms/transports are materially existing exit rights)

policy debates should not be one-sided and i know for a fact that i'm mindkilled about this but as far as i'm concerned, universal culture deserves to win because everything else is hell and conservatards can cry all they want about it, all they get from me is my tranny cock to suck