oh I see you're just a Whig ideologue hell bent on removing Chesteron's fence

* women are more miserable now than ever - "liberation" was a mistake
* on kid raising, this is vague - which country and culture? can you name any significant examples?
* social and sexual deviants always simmer to the bottom, they are culturally dysgenic and have maladaptive psyches
* alcoholism - was alcohol as potent as today? how about things you consider recreational drugs used as medicines in the past or entheogens? did you consider most people didn't need to escape through drugs like they do now?
* racial boundaries have always existed and will always exist. pre-colonial africa was rife with racial conflict. people naturally gravitate with and protect their own kind.
* people are still dying from easily-preventable diseases, and still passing on hereditary and congenital defects
* women like being manhandled, this goes back to prehistory
* natural law confers hierarchies, do you hate animals and nature?

oh you're a tranny, you were mindkilled as soon as you fell for that meme 