
no my views are a little more nuanced than that but i'm not bothering with the book-length treatments it'd take to insert the appropriate nuances here

universal culture raises the floor of the worst social situations for those who'd have been shat on constantly in trad culture, it gives a place to absolutely everyone who's not a retarded tribalist or doer of universally bad things like theft and murder - the place might not be as good as it'd have been in traditionalist society if they'd have been one of the lucky ones in that, but i'm happy to trade that off for having medicine that actually works, instead of the schizophrenic delirium that all trad medicines are, available in the entire world

* just easy divorce reduces depression and suicide in women by omg%
* every time and country where it's normal to beat or otherwise abuse kids to make them obedient
* largely depends on class
* mdma and lsd are recent you dumbass; i'm talking from the invention of cities until like when we finally discovered that ethanol is a poison; people have always gotten fucked up for escapism lol even animals do it and as for entheogens yeah they're meds as much as the modern getting-fucked-up meds like benzos oxy and ritalin
* "will always exist": tfw cross-race breeding facilitated by modern transport solves that problem kek (see : chinese and indian guys buying russian and cambodian women) - as for africa yeah so what, the entirety of history everywhere is a long list of massacres everywhere and the only solution is "ever-rising levels of wealth for all" because wars are always either 1) response to (predicted or actual) lowering of resource income or 2) defense against a tribe that attacked because of such
* in actually civilized countries they're not and passing genetic defects is nothing that genehacking clinics won't fix, one way or another (maybe by way of having the transhuman geniuses they'll produce reallocate the atoms making up the unlucky imbeciles that will have been produced outside of them, like what happens to primates losing their habitats to the species with a few members who are actually general intelligences)
* yeah well then why do they keep complaining about and fighting it
* we have to kill nature and engineer the entire biosphere yes

yeah that paper is a pile of shit, it's only "rapid" as seen from the outside, like i've been a trap since before puberty but only where parents couldn't see