
Yeah, I was thinking about fast vs slow boards a little. For example, why was I writing an effortpost when part of its thesis is "effortposts are a weak strategy"? One answer is that I'm an adaptation executer and not a fitness maximizer, but I can also tell you I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't expect this thread to be near the top of the catalog for weeks: impossible on a fast board.

I also kind of ignored thread-opening strategy. For me it's high effort with uncertain reward, but as you and other anons have identified there are plenty of efficient openers. I think that fits with my general hypothesis.

(You)-efficiency = (You)s/effort
(You)-efficient posting strategy -> becomes part of imageboard culture
Not (You)-efficient -> doesn't
(You)-efficient, but also like/upvote/retweet efficient -> disappearing from imageboard culture in 2018