
From a cognitive point of view there are four types of societies, uniformly high-IQ societies, uniformly low-IQ societies, societies with a high-IQ majority and a low-IQ minority and societies with a high-IQ minority and a low-IQ majority. In the first two types there is also an issue of tribal homogeneity vs diversity for the latter two types are by definition tribally diverse. So essentially we have six types of societies. Moreover globally the world should also be considered a mega-society with a fairly small high-IQ population and a large low-IQ population, sort of like Brazil.

A uniformly high-IQ society is of course the best. Typical examples are Iceland and Japan. Such societies tend to be rich and developed. Crime rates are very low and quality of life tends to be very high. For example Iceland has a life expectancy of 82.47 years (2016) and Japan has a life expectancy of 83.98 years (2016).

There is of course also an issue of whether such a society is tribally homogeneous or diverse. Here "tribe" can be race, ethnicity, religion etc. What matters is not the actual genetic or cultural differences between tribes. Instead it is the amount of tribalism that divides a society. For example Poles and Russians are simply considered whites in America and their descendants may intermarry. Hence in America Poles and Russians living together is not a problem. On the other hand in Poland Poles are natives while Russians are not. Moreover Poles fear that Russia may annex Poland again. Hence Poles and Russians coexisting in Poland can be problematic. Similarly whether the religious differences between Protestants and Catholics matter depends on whether people at that moment feel whether they matter. For example in Northern Ireland it matters even today while in many societies it does not matter.

Empires need to be tribally diverse while demotic states need to be tribally homogeneous. Democracy and tribal diversity are inherently incompatible for tribalism tends to destroy the former and create a Ottoman millet-type system.