> All of you were trained as cosmonauts.

> There should have been dozens, hundreds of millions of cosmonauts - everyone who dreamed about it. You can't possibly think that the children themselves could decide that they want to be cosmonauts? A three-year-old child cannot wake up in the morning and come up with the idea that he wants to fly into space. Children were told what they should dream about. It was part of the preparation. Some kind of grand operation - the colonization of deep space, the genocide of aliens. Then, of course, someone smart came around, plans changed, you were not needed anymore. At first you were planned to be eliminated - the Third World, Darth Reagan, Zabriski of a dead man. But someone smart came around again and offered to keep you in reserve. Of course, nobody initiated retraining - that's extra expenses. Those who'll survive will survive.
It's like in the films: crazy scientists created cyborgs who are then left to suffer when the Pentagon stopped funding the program. They roam the huge parking lots near the supermarkets and are looking for something in the sky. You are trying to understand why everything is so ridiculous and awkward, why you want to play football and jump from the balcony. It was just that you were being prepared for something completely different. The ability to love has been taken away from you, leaving only the breeding instinct: when many dozens of people are locked together in a ship for many months, there is no need for any conflicts. You need overload, hard radiation, water from the urine - this is why you so diligently poison yourself. You poke into all corners of this world, scraping the face and knees to blood, and try to find a place by scent.
Navigators have become programmers, pilots drive tinted Fiat cars, experts in the non-humanoid mind write to LJ. And nothing can be done - the intervention was on the DNA level. Your kids will be cosmonauts. Your grandchildren will be cosmonauts. You write books about cosmonauts and for cosmonauts, and all the pictures, all the films, all the music are just a variation of a story about Gagarin who overslept his April 12th. Deaf Tsiolkovsky and dead Gagarin - that's who rules your world. It is strange that you are still alive.

Originally from Wizardchan, I believe.