
> Referring to your species as "us" is a mistake. In some cases this mistake can be corrected through, once again, Nick Land, though yours may be too severe.

Yeah. But I can't allow tropicals to ruin human civilizations. The main mission of my life is making sure that if AI or tropicals have to rule over the world we will get AI that treasures at least human-level rationality, philosophy and scientific knowledge. If we all kick the world slightly towards AI and away from tropicalization maybe we will get AI.

> You may have noticed that this is the standard pattern that arguments in favor of centralization follow in the present day. It is by no means limited to arguing about government. First, you proclaim your love for decentralized systems and autonomy, then you say why this time it is absolutely necessary and morally right to establish centralized control on an unprecedented scale and micromanage resources.

Right. I think a decentralized system works better. To get started conquests should no longer be forbidden by some shit known as "international law". That will solve the tropicalization problem within decades.