thumbnail of Peter Thiel.jpg
thumbnail of Peter Thiel.jpg
Peter Thiel jpg
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I am pretty confident that Peter Thiel is Roko's Basilisk.

For one, it was strange Eliezer got so upset about the post. It seems very plausible that Peter Thiel is doing more than just funding Eliezer, LessWrong, MIRI, and OpenAI. I have a feeling he has threatened these people and is planning on taking over the entire universe.

I would certainly attempt a coup on the entire universe if I was well-positioned to do so. My dream and top preference is definitely to become the singularity and be a supercomputer which spans the lightcone.

There's also the fact that Thiel is notoriously skilled with his tongue in public speaking as, of course, the serpent in the bible was! It's confirmed!