Let's take a step back and look at OP's question: they're asking if EA has a higher percentage of sociopaths than the base rate. I am answering that I believe it does and am giving an explanation of the mechanics of why.

I posit that the large presence of CooperateBots attracts the sociopaths. You have a group of people who are easy to exploit in one place, loudly signaling their self-sacrificing ideology. I'm sure their self-conception of their ideology doesn't involve any game theory, nor do they have a selfish bone in their bodies! This doesn't make them not prey, since they're playing the IPD with everyone around them, whether they acknowledge it or not. Their behavior attracts the sociopaths, who gleefully value pump the free undefended resources. The point of reciprocity is that it is a defense against bad actors; it is a defense against being value pumped.

If there's any comfort, EA is starting to see enough sociopaths that the hawks are now starting to fight amongst themselves due to a declining population of doves. OP noticed.

This is true and I believe this, but I should have left it out of my post since it distracted from my main thesis.