I'll bet the reason you hear so many EA horror stories is not because EA is especially full of horror stories relative to average.  Rather, I'll bet that you are "EA-adjacent" in a way that causes you to hear all the juiciest gossip without hearing about everything good in EA.

BTW, for most of the things you mentioned, I can think of an incident or two which fits the description and in my opinion none of them are a huge deal except maybe the burnout rates thing.  In the sense that yeah, the juicy gossip version of X might have characterized it in the way that you're characterizing it, but there are other frames that make it sound more reasonable.  Tumblr makes drama out of everything doesn't it?

Anyway, maybe I'm just out of touch but I can't say a single EA sociopath is coming to mind off the top of my head, and I've been to multiple EA Globals.