
Physical appearance, high status or ruthless dominance are necessary and sufficient to successfully attract women. Most incels (or rather unloved guys, as sex can be easily purchased) are alone because they lack two or three of these characteristics. Everything that falls under the personality umbrella is neither necessary nor sufficient; you may think about it as a nice addition in the already committed relationships, see:


SSC was already aware in 2014:

[I will have to use virginity statistics as a proxy for the harder-to-measure romancelessness statistics, but these are bad enough. In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 20% of average nineteen year old men. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as “have you been in a gang”, “have you used a weapon in a fight”, et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.

If you’re smart, don’t drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history – then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone. “At risk” doesn’t mean “for sure”, any more than every single smoker gets lung cancer and every single nonsmoker lives to a ripe old age – but your odds get worse. In other words, everything that “nice guys” complain of is pretty darned accurate. But that shouldn’t be too hard to guess…"]

I wish I could paint a more humane picture, but denying the real state of things would be dishonest and even more harmful.