
> No amount of lifting will compensate for less attractive facial features or being short and ethnic

Anecdotally it makes a difference even if it won't fully compensate for genetic handicaps in appearance. The main benefits are going to be psychological anyway.

> you can't really fool your brain - especially if it leans towards being nice and introverted - if you didn't score well at the genetic and economic lottery of life

The meta-level lesson of PUA is that you can fake it till you make it. At least some can. The 27% of men of  >>/6420/ aren't so hopelessly unfit that a woman wouldn't willingly have sex with them even once in their lifetime. We are not at that level of dysgenics yet. The harm done to nice and introverted men by their culture is easy to underestimate when you are so focused on the genes. There is no way the same nice and introverted men brought up 100 years ago and dropped in our world in secret wouldn't do a whole lot better on the love front. Men who were unfortunately brought up in our time can reap some of the same benefits by means of changing themselves. You are only really hopeless if you can't or you won't actually change your mind. (Obviously none of this is a replacement for culturally enforced monogamy and I am not claiming it to be.)


Maybe realizing this is the filter.