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>  totally not about the female supremacy and treating men instrumentally
Having just watched the video, it was about how people unconsciously condition others through their reactions, to some extent training them to act in some specific way. By this she means extremely common reactions, such as being saddened, angered (both being forms of punishment), pleased (positive reinforcement), etc. by the other persons' actions.
She specifically points out that psychopaths are far more likely to be aware of the different forms of manipulation they engage in, while non-psychopaths don't and just do all this unknowingly. The talk is named like that because women are more effective at this than men, but doesn't present it as a "how to" and even encourages knowing about this matter in order to limit how other people might end up "training you" in negative ways, as an example she mentions codependency as the result of being trained into being dependent, by being rewarded when relying on the "trainer" and punished when acting independently.
Very good talk, would recommend (and am recommending) to anybody interested in psychology and interpersonal relations, specially to fellow spergy types that need all the help they can get with regards to that latter subject.