
IMHO it works differently. Unconscious manipulation involves things as playing with your hair (women) or taking power postures (men) in the presence of an attractive mate, some light teasing, ambiguity and escalation of interest. This can be a harmless and pleasant flirting game. Conscious attempts at conditioning people are, on the other hand, frequently toxic, exploitative, and praying on people's vulnerabilities. 

It may be better to stay single forever rather than become a disposable piece of the predominantly polyandrous dual mating scheme.


Rationalists or ea types are (being pushed?) into non-monogamy because, compared to the general population, they have/want less children and more instant gratification, have an over-representation of nerdy nice guys, and overlap with communities of strong progressive/kinky leanings. Current progressives frequently advocate for the gynocentric social order and bashing male agency for its own sake. Ironically, polyamory is further from the broader, rationally determined morality than (serial) monogamy, which should be considered a historically recent development limiting the harmful effects of irresponsibly following evolutionary instincts. I bet that monogamy, compared to non-monogamous alternatives, reduces more net suffering through the "fair" distribution of love, sex, agency and engagement, reducing violence, STD rates, and creating stable conditions for raising the next generations.

I would also mention a bunch of ridiculous poly dramas in LW circles, but these might be better kept in privateā€¦ Anyway, don't end up like Jerry, rational dudes.